I am passionate about Business and Marketing over a year right now. I am studying International Business here in Cambodia, Phnom Penh. I am now year 3 student which nearly gradate next year around August 2022. I feel very comfortable and pleased to write my own blog that talk about Business and Marketing. I have never been publishing blog or article before, I hope you 'READERS' enjoy my point of view toward my article which I am about to start in my new chapter.
There are no rights or wrongs in Business world. No one can determine what is Business in real life. It's just theory which telling what you should not do in A SPECIFIC SITUATION, but not others CIRCUMSTANCE. It depends on your perspective and situation which happening at the moment. You can not apply every single theory in the BOOK to your Business all the time, It has to be flexible during time to time. When you don't know the basic, you will likely doubt to yourself toward your decision making.
I am not the only person here to judge what books have been said and complied by Authors and Founders. I am here, "no where", just to share my ideas, paradigms to the world or where else which does not belong to my world Business. I really hope we can share each other thoughts through this BLOG, and getting to know each other soon.
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